Founded on August 18th, 1940 in Halls, Tennessee, Forked Deer Electric Cooperative has a long-standing history of service and support for the communities in which they provide utilities. Formed as part of President Roosevelt's new deal and the Rural Electrification Act of 1935, the cooperative not only brought electricity to rural West Tennessee, but also provided much needed employment opportunities to the area.
Boosted by a contract with the federal government to provide utility services to the new Air Field northwest of Halls, Forked Deer began to provide light and power to the once dark small communities throughout the region.
For more information on the history of the formation of the electric cooperatives in the area, as well as more information about Forked Deer's past, present and future, please contact us to receive a copy of our 75th Anniversary History Book, published in 2015 or download it here. In the meantime, feel free to check out the photo album with some of our history.